- 2024-06-13 21:04 113
- 产品价格:电议
- 品牌:地址:辽宁 鞍山市
- 编号:6026企业:鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司
王秋(先生) 销售经理13904127277 (联系我请说明是在推介网看到的信息)
- 进入店铺 在线咨询
- 信息举报
圣霖国际轧钢设备生产 圣霖国际轧钢设备 圣霖国际【顾客至上】
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- 产品描述
The ofautomation of production process is to improve the ofworkpiece, and to produce durable and ex products withlimited resources. The realization of automation can provideproducts with good , stable performance and reasonableprice, and provide more space for the development of enterpriseproduction.
Why do we need to wear water cooling technology after finishingbar?
(1) improve the mechanical properties of the product; (2) reducethe two oxidation loss on the surface of the product; (3) afterwater, because the rolling temperature is low, the stiffness islarge,圣霖国际轧钢设备, the accident on the roller table of the cold bed isreduced,圣霖国际轧钢设备采购, the bending of the rolled piece in the cold bedis reduced, the yield and of the product can be improved;(4) the length of the cold bed can be reduced correspondingly.
Theprocess of rolling production is very complicated. Although all theprocesses of the process will be changed along with the improvementof rolling re, the expansion of varieties and theapplication of new technology and new e
所属分类:机械设备 / 冶炼设备
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